This is Mehran Rahimi.
He is 6 years old.
He lives in a village in south Azerbaijan, namely Girmizi Khalife in Gosha Chay.
Look at his enthusiastic eyes.
Today, south Azerbaijan is full of those eyes.
Those eyes are disturbing dreams of chauvinists who deny existence of a great nation.
Those eyes are changing the future of people who have been crushed under pressure of organized Persian chauvinism. People who have been inculcated to shame when they are speaking their mother tongue.
Mehran Rahimi was beaten by his teacher in the first day of first grade of school. He was beaten because he asked for his obvious and natural right, that has been forgotten in fight among superpowers, but not forgotten by Mehran and other Mehrans. He asked to be educated in his own mother tongue which is spoken by some 30 million people in Iran.
Remember your own very first day in school!
How was the teacher kind?
Mehran was beaten by his teacher in a same day instead of enjoying it.
When the teacher was speaking in Persian, Mehran stood up and said that his parents and other students in the class are Turkish and he asked the teacher to teach in Turkish. The teacher hit his small hands by ruler and slapped him across his innocent face. Then, he took Mehran to the principal's office. Under psychological pressure, the 6-years-old boy was asked by the principal to explain who inspired him that “awkward” request!
Source: and
اولدوز و کوکب
اولدوز يئددي ياشيندا
قارا چارشاب باشيندا
قوشولاراق کوکبه
يولا دوشدو مکتبه
معلم ايلک درسينه
ايقدام ائتدي ترسينه
آنا ديلين بوشلادي
آيري ديلده باشلادي
دئدي: آچين کيتابي
بيلن وئرسين جاوابي
چؤره يي گؤستره رک
اولدوز سسلندي: "چؤره ک
يوخ! کوکب جاواب وئر: "نان"
اولدوز ائشيت٫ سنده قان!
سؤيله اولدوز! نه دير بو؟
اولدوز جاواب وئردي: "سو"
يوخ! کوکب سن وئر جاواب!
کوکب جاواب وئردي: "آب"
کوکب سوينجه دولوب
اولدوزون رنگي سولوب
سولوب داياندي اولدوز
اولدوز تک ياندي اولدوز
ائوه گلنده آنا
اونو باسدي باغرينا
"آنا قوربانين اولسون!
نه يازدين٫ نه اوخودون؟"
دن سو وئريب قوشونا
گئچدي سوفرا باشينا
"سوال وئردي: آنا جان!
بو "چؤره ک"دير يوخسا "نان"؟
بس بو نه دير "آب" مي "سو"؟
آنا جاواب وئردي: "سو"
اولدوز سئوينديييندن
آناسىيلا اؤپوشدو
آنا باخيب اوزونه
سؤيله دي اؤز اؤزونه:
يا معلم آزيبدير!
يا کيتاب سهو يازيبدير!
Thanks for the effort.
please correct the typo "Sourse" to "Source".
Thanks alot.
Thank you for your helpful hints. I hope you keep doing it.
Esen qalin
we will annex republic of azerbaijan, ARRAN THE REAL NAME, AND TATI THE REAL LANGUAGE . liberation for the talysh.
there is no south azerbaijan, ,but one and that is iranian azerbaijan.
long live iran.